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Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Before winter arrives clean and inspect your fireplace

Chimney or  firreplace inspection and cleaning before winter

Before winter arrives get your fireplace professionally checked and cleaned

Before winter arrives it would be wise to inspect your fireplace professionally so it could get  checked and cleaned if needed to help prevent a chimney or an unwanted house fire. A good 14 check up for fireplace and 7 point flu inspection should be performed prior to the fierce winter winds to prevent the unwanted back draft soot blowing in and entering the inside of the home. A clean chimney doesn't have animal nesting or blockage in it.

When wood burns in the fireplace and smoke goes up the chimney. The warm vapors travel to the upper parts of the flu as the vapors gases, and smoke reach the cooler air it creates black or brown creosote that builds in the chimney. The build up of creosote can be dangerous and catch fire in the chimney. Even small hot spots could smolder for hours after the fire in firebox has extinguished. A hidden chimney fire could spread in the flue undetected.

Homeowners should get an annual chimney inspection every year even if you just have a gas fireplace. You should not risk the chance of an undiscovered defect in the flu liner as winter freeze cycles and moisture can take an annual toll on the liner and masonry materials.

Helpful fire burning advice

Fireplace burning tip: Burn hollow dense seasoned dark gray hardwood such as oak and hickory from nut bearing trees as they are desired since they burn cleaner. Store the firewood in a well ventilated dry place.

It is suggested to use a local certified fireplace cleaning company in your area.