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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Prepare your home before a hurricane

Prepare your home before a hurricane

Helpful and practical tips that a homeowner needs to prepare for, before the big storm hits.

Homeowner To-Do List
Take before pictures of all contents in each room of your home. Place these pictures in a safety deposit box in a dry waterproof container inside the home in a safe place. Make additional copies for the insurance adjuster and store these pictures in a waterproof container and keep with you during the storm.

1.)   Board up all windows and door ways. Don’t forget to protect all sliding glass doors and large windows. Fact: 80% of major structural roof damage to most homes is caused from the source of garage doors, as they were not protected properly.
2.)   Remove all outside personal belongings: high winds could lift the objects making projectiles! Remove items such as chairs, patio furniture, garden hoses, sprinklers, pool toys, flower pots and planters, and etc.
3.)   Fill your vehicle full of gas. Tip: Gas stations tend to close for weeks (during and after a storm).
4.)   Obtain a generator: precaution in case after the storm when power goes out. Fill the generator full of gas.  Fill several large gas cans full of gas. Store them in a protected area (store them in a well ventilated area away from you and your family). Store and use heavy gauge power cords to generator.
5.)   Obtain an emergency disaster kit for each family member. Keep supplies for after the storm. Obtain enough supplies for several weeks. This includes food and water.
6.)   Make lots of ice, for coolers of food. Fill bottles of water and place them in freezer hours before the storm hits. As power goes out during the storm place some bottles in refrigerator as needed.
7.)   Keep a stocked First-Aid kit handy at all times during and after a storm.
8.)   Obtain work gloves for every family member for clean-up efforts after the storm. Store rakes, brooms, dust-pans, shovels, hammers, large garbage or debris bags, and tools in a tool box inside the home in a protected area. Charge all battery powered tools before the storm hits.
9.)   Protect your home from flash floods. Bags of sand or Sand bags are quite effective for doorways and entranceways in low line areas.
10.)           Store important protective documents and family photos in large Zip-lock bags. Keep your home Insurance info handy for after the storm.
11.)           Stock up on non-refrigerated foods, dry foods and can goods are essentials. This will be your food source during and after the storm.
12.)           Fill gas grill tank full and store your gas grill in a safe protected area. For after the storm.
13.)           Plan for a secondary cooking source. Small camping stoves work great for this purpose. Obtain plenty of fuel for long power outages. Power outages can last many weeks.
14.)           Obtain enough of batteries for flashlights. Flashlights batteries tend to die quickly. Obtain Candles and matches for power outages after the storm.
15.)           Chaulk and seal all exposed exterior areas of windows and doorways to prevent water penetration. High winds cause water to penetrate the structure which causes mold and wood-rot issues after the storm.
16.)           Obtain several box fans to dry up the interior of home after the storm. De-humidifiers work great to help reduce the chance of mold and moisture issues after the storm.
17.)           Obtain a radio, for current broadcast issues for weather related problems during a storm. Remember tornados, lighting, hail, and flash floods are common during hurricanes.
18.)           Obtain personal things to keep your family occupied during the storm.
19.)           Obtain large tarps to cover roof after storm. It may rain after the storm, in many cases shingles fly off the roof and become missing during a hurricane. As the potential need for roofers to get booked full of work after a storm. It can take many weeks for your actual roof repair or replacement to be completed. Also it takes additional time for insurance adjusters to complete your claim after the storm. So be prepared for the cause and effect of future roof issues

If staying inside a home during a storm: The safest place to keep you and the family is in hallway. Remember to keep clear away from all doors windows as projectiles may come thru these areas and cause serious injury. Think smart cover yourself: use a mattress to cover you and your family during the storm, if shall your home falls apart, this is your only protection from falling objects overhead.

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